Cell Phone Jammer Using IC555

A Simple Cell phone jammer using IC555.

GSM Controlled Robot

In the project the robot is controlled by a mobile phone that makes a call to the mobile phone attached to the robot. In the course of a call, if any button is pressed a tone corresponding to the button pressed is heard at the other end called ‘Dual Tone Multiple frequency’ (DTMF) tone.

8x8 Dotmatrix Scrolling LED Display

Here 64 leds which are connected to an Matrix display. The Anodes are drived through an Driver IC UDN2981 and the cathodes are drived through ULN2803. The Atmega8515 is used in this project to control the display. The microcontroller is programmed with Bascom AVR.

Infrared Remote Switch

A Simple Infrared remote control circuit.

Showing posts with label AC Motor Controller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AC Motor Controller. Show all posts

AC Motor Speed Controller

Parts List -
R1 - 1 - 27K 1W Resistor
R2 - 1 - 10K 1/4W Resistor
R3 - 1 - 100K 1/4W Resistor
R4 - 1 - 33K 1/4W Resistor
R5 - 1 - 2.2K 1/4W Resistor
R6 - 1 - 1K 1/4W Resistor
R7 - 1 - 60K Ohm 1/4W Resistor
R8 - 1 - 3K Linear Taper Trim Pot
R9 - 1 - 5K Linear Taper Pot
R10 - 1 - 4.7K Linear Taper Trim Pot
R11 - 1 - 3.3K 1/4W Resistor
R12 - 1 - 100 Ohm 1/4W Resistor
R13 - 1 - 47 Ohm 1W Resistor (See Notes)
C1, C3 - 2 - 0.1uF Ceramic Disc Capacitor
C2 - 1 - 100uF 50V Electrolytic Capacitor
D1 - 1 - 6V Zener Diode
Q1 - 1 - 2N2222 NPN Transistor 2N3904
SCR1 - 1 - ECG5400
TR1 - 1 - TRIAC (See Notes)
U1 - 1 - DIAC Opto-Isolator (See Notes)
BR1, BR2 - 2 - 5A 50V Bridge Rectifier
T1 - 1 - Transformer (See Notes)
MISC - 1 - PC Board, Case, Line Cord, Socket For U1, Heatsinks

1. TR1 must be chosen to match the requirements of the load. Most generic TRIACs with ratings to support your load will work fine in this circuit. If you find a TRIAC that works well, feel free to leave a comment.

2. U1 must be chosen to match the ratings of TR1. Most generic DIAC based opto-isolators will work fine. If you have success with a specific part, feel free to leave a comment.

3. T1 is any small transformer with a 1:10 turns ratio. The circuit is designed to run on 120V so a 120V to 12V transformer will work. Alternately, you can wind T1 on a transformer core using a primary of 25 turns, a secondary of 200 turns, and 26 gauge magnet wire.

4. R9 is used to adjust motor speed. R10 is a trim pot used to fine tune the governing action of the circuit. R8 fine tunes the feedback circuit to adjust for proper voltage at the gate of SCR1. It should be adjusted to just past the minimum point at which the circuit begins to operate.

5. R13 must be chosen to match the load. Generally, larger loads will require a smaller value.

6. Since this circuit is not isolated from mains, it must be built in an insulated case.



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