Cell Phone Jammer Using IC555

A Simple Cell phone jammer using IC555.

GSM Controlled Robot

In the project the robot is controlled by a mobile phone that makes a call to the mobile phone attached to the robot. In the course of a call, if any button is pressed a tone corresponding to the button pressed is heard at the other end called ‘Dual Tone Multiple frequency’ (DTMF) tone.

8x8 Dotmatrix Scrolling LED Display

Here 64 leds which are connected to an Matrix display. The Anodes are drived through an Driver IC UDN2981 and the cathodes are drived through ULN2803. The Atmega8515 is used in this project to control the display. The microcontroller is programmed with Bascom AVR.

Infrared Remote Switch

A Simple Infrared remote control circuit.

AVR GPS Locator

In this project i have interfaced an GPS with AVR microcontroller, the ATtiny2313 gets the location from the GPS and display it over the LCD display. This project also have the feature of marking a place with its name. For entering the Name of the place i have used the PC-AT Keyboard.

At starting the microcontroller will display the latitude and longitude on the LCD display and if you need to mark the place, then press the Button SW1. Now the microcontroller will ask you to enter the name through the PC keyboard. Type the Name of the place of maximum 16 characters and press Enter key to store it.

The ATtiny2313 will store the name and the current location on the Onchip EEPROM. So when you come to the same location next time the microcontroller will display the name of the place on the LCD and it will also produce an buzzer sound.

In this project you can add only 1 location, Since i am using the demo version of BASCOM, it can compile a maximum of 2KB. If you can compile more then you can add as much locations you want.

The locations takes 12bytes, for ex. Latitude : 08.10.17N & longitude: 77.25.36E

The Name of the place takes 16bytes. so you need a maximum of 28bytes per location.

I have used SR87 GPS module from Progin, it have the following features

* High sensitivity SiRF Star chipsets.
* High performance receiver tracks up to 20 satellites.
* TTL output for GPS command interface. (Since it is TTL output i directly connect it to the microcontroller)
* Low power consumption.
* Average Cold Start time under 42 seconds.
* On-chip 1Mb SRAM.
* Reacquisition time 0.1 second.
* Support accurate 1PPS output signal aligned with GPS timing.
* Support Standard NMEA-0183 and SiRF Binary protocol.
* Multi-path mitigation hardware.
* Built-in a lithium battery enables fast positioning.
* Compact size (25.4×25.4×7 mm3) for easy integration into hand-held devices.
Download BASCOM Code

8x8 Dotmatrix Scrolling LED display

Here's an another project, which makes an Scrolling LED display. Here 64 leds which are connected to an Matrix display. The Anodes are drived through an Driver IC UDN2981 and the cathodes are drived through ULN2803. The Atmega8515 is used in this project to control the display. The microcontroller is programmed with Bascom AVR.

Download Bascom AVR code

Download Matrix Designer Software

Stepper motor Control with Atmega16

With this project you can control a unipolar stepper motor. You can control both the speed and the direction of the motor.

The speed and direction and can changed with help of the keypad. The data's are displayed over the LCD display.

A 4x4 keypad is used for entering the speed and selecting the direction.

Load the hex file into the chip, dont forget to select the internal oscillator at 10Mhz.

Then switch on the circuit and select the direction by pressing the corresponding key (Left or Right). Then enter the speed through the numeric keys and press the Enter key to start the operation. To switch off the motor press the separate switch which is connected to the port A.0

Proteus simulation file is also added with the download file, so that you can run the program on your desktop.
Download Bascom code & Proteus simulation file



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